Oral Hygiene

Frequently asked questions about acid erosion What is acid erosion? What causes acid erosion? How can I prevent acid erosion?   1. What is acid erosion on teeth? Acid erosion is defined as the loss of enamel on the tooth surface caused by acid attack. Teeth are comprised of...

Frequently asked questions about fluoride What is fluoride? What are the benefits of fluoride? Myths about fluoride Where can I find fluoride? How much fluoride do I need?   1. What is fluoride? Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in rocks, water, and foods. Fluoride is the mineral...

Frequently asked questions about bad breath? What is bad breath? How common is bad breath? How to prevent bad breath?   1. What is bad breath? Bad breath, or the medical term Halitosis, can be caused by a range of factors including: Poor oral hygiene Food Bacteria Dry...

Frequently asked questions about dental hygienists? What are dental hygienists? What can dental hygienists do? Why would I see a dental hygienist? When would I still need to see a dentist?     1. What are Dental Hygienists? A Dental Hygienist is a qualified dental professional who has undergone...


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